Is it possible to use the TREENODE3 with a Natural program? I would like to display a tree that will be dynamically populated as the user drills down the levels.

I have a table of about 40,000 records that I would like to display in a tree structure. The first display when the user starts the function will display the top level structure of the table (about 20 records). Each of those records has sub records that relate it. Each time the use opens a node, I would like ot dynmically build the sublevel.

Is this possible with Natural? According to the documentation for TREENODE3 it is possible with java.

Hi Demos,

Yes, you can use TREENODE3 with NATPAGE layouts and fill the tree dynamically from your Natural programm.
Similar to grids you can implement Natural server side scrolling or provide all the tree data immediately.

You’ll find a simple example for using the TREENODE3 in the njxdemos project.

Best Regards,