Transition in career from webMethods to Python

I have around 3 years of experience in webMethods but only support, monitoring,certificates and incident management, I really want change my tech in career. I can some support if its correct decision or not so I won’t regret in later

That is really a career change from operations to development. Do you have formal education in development? Many employers will look for that. In terms of Python, it is the now the most popular programming language, so there are many career opportunities. But Python is a general purpose programming language. Employers will be looking for specific applied usage experience (e.g. data science or web development)

If your webMethods operations experience includes troubleshooting code, you could consider becoming a webMethods developer. While not nearly as popular as a general purpose programming language like Python, webMethods is used by many companies. You may be able to leverage your experience to find a successful niche in the market.

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I started my career as webMethods consultant, but there weren’t enough job postings for webMethods in my country back then, so I had to accept a position for .net developer role. Over the years, I had 3 webMethods and 3 .net developer position and in one position I worked as both .net back end developer and webMethods integrations specialist at the same time. Right now I am very confident in my .net and webMethods skills both. Long story short, if you have the necessary background and the skills it is no big deal. You can go back and forward if you are good with what you are doing. You don’t need to give up webMethods unless you hate it.

Currently, I am doing only webMethods, but I wouldn’t mind having some .net development every now and then. In fact, I would love it.

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