Transition from Centrasite pluggable ui to business UI

We are planning to move from using the Centrasite pluggable UI to the business UI. I can see that some of the concepts around classifications and associations have changed. Could someone share any documentation that helps us move from one to the other as easily as possible please

Hi Joanna,

the CentraSite Business UI was created to almost completely replace the Pluggable UI. In each new version of CentraSite the Business UI contains a bit more of the Plugable UI’s functionality. So the answer to your question depends on the CentraSite version you are running.



Business UI Version

Pluggable Version

Hi Joanna,

regarding 10.3 the BuisnessUI is considered the main API, especially considering issues w.r.t. deployment and policy enforcement. The topics of associations and classifications aren’t so much in focus in the BusinessUI world, so there can be problems when using the BusinessUI only. No there isn’t any specific documentation yet on this topic.
