I am trying to integrate Tamino transaction handling into the SimpleJTA project. This is needed in order to have transactional behaviour in our project. I am a little bit confused because I read in Tamino “Programming Cookbook” (<TAMINO_INSTALL_DIR>/Documentation/en/inoapi/ejbprog.htm#ejbprog) the following:
[i]A distributed transaction (“XATransaction”) is managed by a transaction coordinator and can contain operations for many resource managers. The transaction coordinator uses the 2-phase commit protocol to coordinate the participating resource managers to guarantee the ACID properties of the transaction. A distributed transaction must be demarcated using the mechanisms provided by J2EE.
Currently, the Tamino Resource Adapter does not support distributed transactions. [/i]
At the same time I can find that there is a XAResource implementation into TaminoJCA.jar: com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.connector.xa.XAResourceImpl
Can someone tell me does Tamino supports Distributed transactions?
Where can I find the JavaDoc of the TaminoJCA.jar from?
Thank you in advance!