Transaction Store vs Repo Server

    I'm a newbie in webMethods. Actually we only have SAP Business Connector. The docos that came with SAPBC are very brief and incomplete. I've been playing around with using a backend database for transaction store and keeping data for our DSP pages.  I managed to set the alias alright and was able to connect to it. I followed the manual by creating tables WMTRANSACTIONS and WMTRANSACTION_Log.  When I ran some test data the two tables were not populated at all. I am now getting very confused as to what is a transaction store (message store?) and a repository server. What I observed was: 
  1. If you use registerStore and the put methods something got written in the xtn.log file in packages/WmPartners/config.
  2. new entries got created in the packages/WmPartners/pub/mailbox area when invoking a flow service that involves routing
  3. When change the repository setting and point it to an alias a directory WmRepository2 got created and files got written in it. One of them is DirValuesHash.dat and other files all have prefixes VH followed by a series of digits.
  4. When setting in server.cnf the entries in (3) were created in the backend database. The equivalent to DirValuesHash.dat is a table called WmRDBContainer and the other files become tables with WM as prefixes followed by a series of digits.

When examing the tables they all have columns valuekey, valuedata, valuelock etc. Can someone please explain what’s the difference between the xtn.log file and the WmRepository2 or the WmRDBContainer table. What are the entries in those objects? How are they being cleaned up? What are the entries in the mailbox area (I know this can be cleaned up using the SweeperTRX service).

Another thing we have problem is that one of my colleagues was using message store in her service and she was testing it. The service was deliberately terminated without calling any unlock method to the store. What happened was that when logging on to the developer the next time we were unable to lock any service for editing. I did some investigation and eventually I have to shutdown the server, remove the xtn.log and xtn_audit.log files and restart the server. This way we can lock and make changes to services. Is there a way to fix this other than the one I used.

Would someone please help as I’ve tried searching for answers from known forums and could not find anything.

Thanks a million.

Transaction (message) store and Reposerver are different.

Message store captures the outbound SAP idocs you see if you select /Routings / Transactions from the admin console. IIRC WmPartners/congif/xtn.log etc has the header entries for the xml content that is stored in /WmPartners/pub/mailbox. You are correct, you need to set up a scheduled service to call the SweeperTRX service to delete these files.

A couple of times in our production environment this service has stopped working effectively (it writes to server.log, so you can see if it selected 0 files to delete). We then stopped WM/BC, deleted xtn.log etc files and the associated xmls. After a restart all worked OK again. We are not yet sure why this happened.

Reposerver is different. It is a datastore that can be used by WM/BC. Data can be written to file system or database, as you mention above. From looking at the documentation the main use for Reposerver is for guaranteed delivery or clustering functionality. In our Prod environment we originally had 2 x clustered WM servers, and observed that information about clustered scheduled services was stored on Repostore. There were stablity problems with our initial file-based Reposerver, so we went to non-clustered WM servers. After various WM patches the file-based Reposerver is now stable.

If anybody has comments about file-based vs database Reposerver I would like to hear.

Dan: can this post and the previous post be put into a new thread?

This thread has been moved to a new home. Thanks for the alert, Martin.


can you please tell something about this service sweeperTRX.
where can I find it, what does it do…
we have the problem that our mailbox-folder ist getting larger and larger so it took all our free disc-space.

it would be verry nice when you tell me what this services does or where I can find some documentaton.



Check the WebMethodsSAPR3AdapterUsersGuide pdf, search for “sweepTRX”. All explained there.

HTH. Martin

Hi all,

I’m trying to manage the IDOC’s sent from sap that have an state rolled back. In fact what I would like to do, is to have some way to reprocess those IDOC’s if something has gone wrong (as example, if the connection with the database is broken). There are any flow services to do that?
I’ve been searching in the wm.PartneMgr package, but I haven’t find anything.

I’m supposed to make my own flow services that gets all transaction that are in state rolled back and re-submit them. In this case, how I’m supposed to do this?

Thanks in advance,


If your transaction has been rolled back, it probably appears (along with the associated WM/BC error message) as an error in the SAP TRFC queue. Check using sm58. Get your Basis team to set up a retry job from SAP.

Could anybody tell me where I can find these document?


Thanks in advance

If you have installed SAP Adapter (for WM IS) or BC then WebMethodsSAPR3AdapterUsersGuide.pdf can be found in folder …\IntegrationServer\packages\SAP\doc