total space of the file

How do we find total space of the file?
I have ADREP report for the database.

thank you

File   Name          Alloc.:   NI          UI          AC        Data/Cyl
   1 CHECKPOINT                 3           3          12         100/3  
   1                            3           2                      52/1  
   4 ADASCR                     2           2           2          30/1  
   4                            1           0                      29/0  
   8 FNAT                      17          13          66        1800/60 
   8                           15          10                    1797/59 
   9 FSEC                      17          12           2          30/1  
   9                           13           7                      29/0  

what is the total space for file 9?

Do we need to add?
What is the proper way to explain total space?


May be for


Assoc 31
Data 30/1

Unused (Available)

Asso: 20
Data: 29/0

is it ok?


total = 17+12+2 Blocks Asso, 30 Blocks Data
unused = 13 + 7 Blocks Asso, 29 Blocks Data