
Thru ADAREP utility I need to find out the total number of blocks assigned to the database Data storage and Associator.

Does the information exits under PHYSICAL LAYOUT?

I need to find out block information for particular file in the report generate thru ADAREP utility.

Please note: I have run the report successfully. I do have report.

Any help will be appreciated.

thank you

I am impressed with the documentation these days. :slight_smile: Just wanted to say that - it’s not often that people praise the documentation.

I read the document and wanted to confirm:

Does P H Y S I C A L L A Y O U T contains total number of blocks assigned to the database Data storage and Associator?

Does Space Allocation block contains information for particular file?


Yes, physical layout contains the allocation of the database.

If you read the report carefully, I am sure that you find all the information you request.