Toggle tabs - doesn't work on 8.0 SP2 ?


I have some issue with the toggle tab item.

I have done my development on a 8.0.1 version of webMethods.
I have already deployed and test my application and all is fine.

The problem is that today I have deployed my application on a 8.0 SP2 webMethods version and all the toggle tabs control does not work.
When I click on a tab of the control, the tab switch but not the hideable panel going with it.
The navigator detects some malformed JSON object in the javascript.

We have import the project on the server in the designer for checking, but there is no error reported and even when we synchronized the server from the designer, the same issue occurs.

Does the control needs to be configured differently for webMethods 8.0 SP2 ?
Does someone already encounter this issue ?
Is there some issue with the control in this version ?

This is a very blocking issue for us as this prevent us from deploying for user testing and production.

Here is the piece a Javascript that seems to cause the issue (in general.js):

var json=this.unfilterJSON();
if(!sanitize||json.isJSON())return eval('('+json+')');
throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string: '+this.inspect());

It enter the catch. I’m not particularly familiar with javascript and this is the first time I see that with webMethods. (Obviously this is some automade javascript).

Error reported by Firefox

Browser tested :
Firefox 3.6.12
Firefox 3.6.6
Internet Explorer : 8.0.x
Internet Explorer : 7.0.x

Note: I don’t know if the JSON error is the real issue or not (this is the only one I can see).


I don’t know why (luck ?) but I change the properties of the hideable panel attach to the toggle tabs.
I have set the propertie “Progress Use hide/Show effect” to false and put blank to all the sub-fields. After deploying again it worked.

Remark: Only setting up the propertie to “false” without setting blank in all other fields isn’t working.

Does the hideable panels work differently on the hide/show effect on the 8.0 SP2 version of webMethods ?

On the 8.0.1 version of webMethods the old version still works.
But on the 8.0 SP2 version of webMethods it needs this fix (in my case). Don’t know why.
