TN for internal EAI document exchange

Do we need to have TN setup to interact with our own internal enterprise applications? Do we need to treat them as our internal partners ?. We normally use TN for communicating with our external partners. For document exchange in the EAI space, simply the triggers & their associated services will not do the trick ?

Any inputs would be highly appreciated.


For document exchange in the EAI space, simply the triggers & their associated services will accomplish the work and no need of using TN component,unless your internal integrations transactional volume traffic is heavy or just interacting JDBC adapter with DB’s or ERP pacakges.

If you use flatfiles,ftping for internal activity then its better to use TN.


I would agree that TN is not directly needed. I would add that even with flat files, you can have a database entry for the contents instead of having them through out the filesystem. I would say that, for an easy way of setting up a logged view of guaranteed delivery for things like possible ftp of files, the TN would be nice. You can still duplicate (theoretical bad thing at times if you already TN) the logic for viewing information in TN with a subset of database tables to see things like services that conclude success on retrieval and deposition of documents and the repository of persisted transaction documents to be part of the exchange.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out long term.

This interesting Ezine article by Rob Eamon, named “Subscription-style Delivery of Trading Networks Documents”, may be relevant: