Is your DB and IS installed on same machine. If they are not on same machine then pls. check if your DB machine is accessible from the machine on which your IS is installed? Can you try tnsping on your database machine from IS machine.
This is the error occured after the configuration of JDBCPool for TN while testing the ConnectionPool.
Even i do faced same error in the configuration and i solved it.Here i am giving the solution which gave me the result.jus check the same thing accross your issue.
1.on configuraing the JDBC Connection pools you need to ensure that the database connection is working correctly.
2.Before assigning a pool alias you need to give the data base URL correctly in the pool configuration which accepts the fileds: PoolAlias,DBURL,DB username,DB password,Maximum Connections,Minimum connections…
Here generally in this situation,there is a possibilty for the error that instead of giving the databasehost and port, IS host and port has been, because of this the particular connection can not retrieve the data from the specified database.So only this error will be occured.
So, please check these points before configuring the pool alias to the indiniduals (Xref,TN,ISCoreAudit,ISProcessAudit…).
also go through the webMethods documentation.