TN Console start Up problem

hi all,
I’am getting the following error message when trying to start the webMethods TN console…

There was a database error fetching the model version information from your database.
(0) java.lang.IllegalStateException: The main connection to the datastore has not been initialized; check your WmTN packages startup service.
(1) java.lang.IllegalStateException: The main connection to the datastore has not been initialized; check your WmTN packages startup service.

i have a windows sql 2000 data base…i tried configuring the “JDBC connection pool alias” but its not working…can u help me pls…


Try to reload the WmTN package and restart the TN console.Also make sure a test run of all the JDBC Pools page under the Functional Alias definitions.

I believe there are lot of threads discussed on this same problem,Use this site provided search functionality.