Ok, I’ve understood …in connectors, of some of my web service consumer, I could see where the soapClient operation is called and then, its timeout input parameter. Thank you for that.
But, in my case, I have another question (or two 8) ) :
I have a simple service flow that call a Jdbc Adapter Service (with no consumer and no connector) and I’ve created a WSD to add this operation.
In that case, where would you configure the Timeout (in case of a very bad Sql not opimized query ) ?
Last question :
for the timeout soapClient, what is the default value, and where is it configured on the IS please ?
In that case, where would you configure the Timeout (in case of a very bad Sql not opimized query ) – Are you referring to Query Time Out which is present in Adapter service templates? I hope going the below information will give you more clarity.
For timeout in soapClient, refer “9-12_Integration_Server_Built_In_Services_Reference.pdf” it will give you more details about the usage and IS extended setting related to it.
In relation to the initiial question… I’m coming back to you because I’m testing Timeout but it does not work :
Here is my service :
1- -SEQ (Sucess)
2- – SEQ (Failure)
3- ---- external Consumer WSD
4- – SEQ (Done)
5- ---- Error
I’m trying to set Timeout to 5000 to the input of the soapclient, but the error never catched
(I’ve tried to set the timeout of the 2- SEQ at 5000 too)
Cases : In the 3- step, I’ve tested :
1/ calling my Consumer when server is stopped
2/ calling my Consumer when the inside service flow calls the java service : TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(60);
I’ve never succeed to raise my Timeout exception Error… am I missing something,
any idea please ?