Thread dump help needed

Hi guys,
I am try to get a thread dump or stack trace in webMethods 6.1. on aix unix operating system.
But I would like help on that. I dont know how to do this.
This is urgent.
Thank you all very much.

There many 6.1 products from webMethods. Which are you inquiring about?

I am inquiring about Integration Server.
Thank you for the help sir.

kill -3

where is the AIX process ID of the JVM of IS.

Here are some search terms that should turn up useful information:

thread dump
heap dump
core dump
stack trace

i got the core dump.I can see the in the file.
Is all of that lines in this file are errors?
But i want to thank you very much for all this help reamon.
thank you very much.

The lines you see in the core dump are the stack traces of all threads in the process. This means that it represents the current execution stack, not necessarily errors.

Did this make sense?

As Greg pointed out, the information in the file is not error information. Rather, it’s a text representation of the state of the JVM at the time the dump was captured.

Interpreting a dump is something of an art, requiring some understanding of the application itself. I assume you’re capturing this dump to send to wM tech support so they can troubleshoot some problem you’re experiencing.

Grey and reamon.
It make sense now.
I guess i will read more to become good at this art.
I thank you all sincerely for the help.
I have good startup knowledge thanks all to you guys.

you can try to use Samurai ( [url]Samurai ) to interpret the core dump. Sometimes was useful to me.


Thanks Sandro,this Samurai link helps…


Hi Sandro,

I tried using samurai (downloaded from the above specified link) to analyze the core dump files. Even after dragging and dropping the log file into the window no tab named “thread dump” appeared. Can you pls help me with this.


H Sri,
Were you successfull in interpeting the jvm core dump files. I’m also facing the same pbm and would like to analyse the core dump files.

Thanks for ur time,

Hi Ramya,
that’s rather strange, since I can see that tab. How did you take the thread dump? I use to kill -3 on a unix box, and in the nohup.out file (we execute with nohup) we find the t.d.
