Text input - Auto Numeric Format


Is it possible to format a value in text input automatically? For example: If i set 1000 on text input, shows 10.00 or input 123456 shows 1,234.56


Here you can use converter to convert to numeric or integer according to your requirement.


It looks simple and we can achieve. You have to add the decimal point after the two decimal places from LSB. Did you try for a core java service or you can also implement using the BIS in WmPublic.

Share what is your approach and solution to this.


I’d like to know if CAF supports this, cause I need to do this in real time, not calling a service.


Could you please give me an example using converter?


Please find one POC in attachment. Hopes this will help you.
Here I have used decimal converter. I think Converter works only on server side. When we submit the page we can see the changed value of converter.


converterExample.zip (13.5 KB)

Well, I can’t open this project. =S

erro caf.png

Seems to be project is not imported correctly.

Please import the project as…

UI prospect->Project explorer->Import->existing CAF workspace ->select archive option and browse for the file.

Which version of designer you are using. I have built this on version 9.7.
Please let me know for any problem.


I tried on 8.0 and 9.5.1, got the same error.

I am able to import it again.
Can you please flow the screen to make the design in your code level.


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Thank you Baharul!!!
Is there a manual that describes each component of converter?