Testing DocTypes in TNConsole

Configuring WM, specifically Trading Networks

I have created my Enterprise Profile and a Sender Profile
I have a sample XML Document and I am following the instructions in wm Trading Networks USer’s Guide to add a new document type.

Simple XML, no namespaces

  • I set RootTag and 1 identifiying query
  • I mapped ConversationID, senderID, receiverID and one custom Attr.
    from the sample xml document.
    I made sure the DocType was enabled.
    I picked up the SAME document to test docTypes and it comes back as not matching any types.



Where exactly you are seeing this error?In the DocumentType section or TransactionAnalysis?

Please clarify us.


Hi…paul…plz check it ur Root Tag…this is problem vth d way ur setting RootTag…

plz check it RootTag…

  1. Open the document
  2. Choose File and load the file you are testing
  3. You will see the file displayed
  4. Choose an query by clicking on one of the xml tag
  5. Hit the Test Query tag
  6. If nothing happens you have a GOOD query, if you get an error message you have an error
  7. Click on the Query button and it will write your query for you.

Also check your Root Tag… I hope this helps


This is a pretty old thread way in 2004,i believe the issue should have fixed by now…Anyways reopening this thread might help who ever has the similar issue…