Terracotta Server consuming More CPU

Two terracotta Servers are in cluster (active passive), Both are consuming more CPUs ( around 80%)

Version: TSA 4.3.2.

Any suggestion on this.

Make sure you have the latest fixes installed on TS. Also consulting SAG support with logs and other details will help.

Are those two servers in two different machines?

Are there any other Java processes (like Integration server) running in the machine where TC servers are running?

If there are other Java processes, how are you sure it is only TC that consumes more memory?

What was the output of top command with TC process id?

How many cores is there on that machine?

What is the offheap size set in the tc-config file? This should be minimum of 2GB no matter what. Otherwise TC is known to make problems.

Let us know how can we help you.


Did you analyze terracotta logs to find out any resource which is keep running ? Involve OS admin to know what all back ground processes to running …


Thanks guys for your response on this, I am checking with my windows and SAG support team on this.

It seems to be problem with some parameter setting.

Thanks for your support.