October 22, 2001, 7:37pm
I’ve used the following code to see when an XML was last modified:
String querystring=doctype+“[@ino :id='” + inoid + “']”; TaminoResultInfo tri=tc.query(querystring); System.out.println(tri.getLastModified());
I always get:
Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
How can I get the rigth date?
According to the API documentation (if I’m reading it right), this info is only returned for HEAD and GET operations. The following code works for me:
code: TaminoClient myTaminoClient = new TaminoClient(“http:///tamino/”); myTaminoClient.setSAXimplementer(“com.jclark.xml.sax.Driver”); TaminoResult myTaminoResult = myTaminoClient.getByID(ino:id ,“”,“”); System.out.println(“Last Mod: " + myTaminoResult.getLastModified()); TaminoResultInfo myTaminoResultInfo = myTaminoClient.head(”///ino:id "); System.out.println("Last Mod: " + myTaminoResultInfo.getLastModified()); Both of the last mod dates show correct values:
Last Mod: Tue Oct 16 16:24:19 BST 2001
Last Mod: Tue Oct 16 16:24:19 BST 2001
Hope this helps…
October 23, 2001, 4:22pm
Here is my code:
TaminoClient tc = new TaminoClient(“http://localhost/tamino/2nd/Musicians ”); tc.setSAXimplementer(“com.jclark.xml.sax.Driver”); String querystring = “rocker[@ino :id='” + 2 + “']”; TaminoResult tr=tc.query(querystring); System.out.println(“Last Mod: " + tr.getLastModified()); TaminoResultInfo myTaminoResultInfo = tc.head(”/rocker/3"); System.out.println("Last Mod: " + myTaminoResultInfo.getLastModified());
October 23, 2001, 4:26pm
Hello again!
The code above lead me to the same date:
Last Mod: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
The getLastMethod() doesn’t work when I use TaminoClient query() or process()? Is it possible that I didn’t set something in Apache conf. files or in Tamino configuration? Thank you!
The ino:id is an attribute so the correct head code would be:
code: TaminoResultInfo myTaminoResultInfo = tc.head(“/rocker/@3 ”);
October 24, 2001, 2:51pm
Thank you!It works. Sorry for the trouble.