i have a problem with the Tamino WebDav Server Security Concept, that i would like to discuss here.
My Installation:
W2K Server
Tamino XML-Server
Tamino WebDAV Server Version
I followed the steps that are described in the WebDav Documentation (page 25) with the aim to get full access privilegs
to the xdav:metadata-collection and all web dav enabeld collections.
1. Tamino Manager: Databases->mydb->properties->xml “allow non-authenticated users” is set to “yes”
2. Restart of the Tam-XML-Server
Now, as described in the documentation, this should happen:
1. The user “tws” will be defined by the group “taminowebdavserverwritegroup”.
but on my system:
1 The user “inodavuser” was created and defined by the group “taminowebdavserverwritegroup” (until then only the naming of the user is differnt)
2.a. Check the group’s access privileges by selecting “<HOST_MACHINE> > Tamino > Databases > <DB_name> > Security Manager > User Groups >
taminowebdavserverwritegroup” . It should have the member tws(inodavuser) and the Access Control List “taminowebdavserverwriteaccess”.
2.b. Check the group’s access by selecting “<HOST_MACHINE> > Tamino > Databases >
<DB_name> > Security Manager > User Groups > <DB_name>”.
The user Group “mycoll” has no members and the acl “taminowebdavserverreadaccess”
my system:
2.a. my “taminowebdavserverwritegroup” has the same settings as described in the documentation, that means member = “inodavuser” and ACL =
2.b. The counterpart of the user Group “mycoll” on my system has no members and the acl “taminowebdavserverreadaccess”
so until then everything is still ok but no my problems arise:
As mentioned in the documentation you should have at this point 2 acl.
the “taminowebdavserverreadaccess” and the “taminowebdavserverwriteaccess” but all that i have is the taminowebdavserverreadaccess
acl and as i mentioned under 2.a. my taminowebdavserverwritegroup is pointing to the acl “taminowebdavserverwriteaccess”
which i just dont have.
Further on i was unable to connect to the webdavserver until i set the flag of “allow non-authenticated users” back to “no”.
After that i was able to reach the service and browse through my colls with the ms-explorer but im still binded to read access.
Could any one please provide me with some advices or hints?
Thank you very much,