I have installed the Tamino WebDAV Server and a Trial Version of Tamino XML server (INS421-XML-Starter-kit.exe).
The Installation of der WebDAV server and of the XML server was no Problem.
Then I want to install security OS.
I use no Webserver in front oft the Tamion WebDAV server.
I can connect with the Username domain/username + password to the System Management Hub.
I have done the instructions but when I want to install the security like
inodavconfig install security -type os -administrator (a username with admin rights) -password (the correct password) -domain ( the domain-name) - databaseUri wsl:/tamino/urmDB - … correct user and password from the DB, which i have installed …
I get an Error:
[failed] com.softwareag.ssx.userdb.SSXAuthenticationFailsException: SSX OS Error (Net): Access is denied (32): com.softwareag.ssx.userdb.SSX
AuthenticationFailsException: SSX OS Error (Net): Access is denied (32)
I hope someone can help me. I don’t know the Problem
I think the DB is correct installed an the adminusername ist really a Windows Administrator.
Thank you