Could someone explain to me the need for Target Namespaces and prefixes. Why are they specially kept as a special property in the Tamino Schema Editor? Some example would also help.
Good afternoon Moha,
Tamino currently does not support namespaces and prefixes in a way the XML schema does.
At the moment it is not possible to define namespaces and prefixes at any element node of the Tamino schema.
You can only define one target namespace and a corresponding prefix at the schema root node or you can omit both.
The target namespace is used within element references, e.g. you can define an element reference like this:
<xs:element ref=“my:myElem”>
In this case you refer to a global element definition in your schema:
<xs:element name=“myElem”>…</xs:element>.
We say this element definition is within the user defined target namespace. Since this one is different from the default target namespace (no target namespace), we express this difference by using a prefix “my”, which namespace is identical to the value of our “targetNamespace”-property.
This assignment is automatically done by the schema editor, you don’t have to care about this.
The reason why you have to declare a prefix, when a target namespace is defined, is simply that Tamino currently does not support the default namespace declaration without prefix (e.g xmlns=“http://myNamespace”). It only allows xmlns:my=“http://myNamespace”.
Full namespace support is planned for the upcoming release of Tamino (end of year).
Hope this helps,
Best regards,