

Looking for details / syntax of administrative commands that is acceptable to this class. Javadoc gives one example “ino:RecreateIndex(myCollection,Mydoctype)”.

In short, looking to dynamically creating, manipulating and deleting schemas & entire xml database from within code.

Anyone who could point to documentation?

I think the TAdministrationAccessor can be used to execute any of the X-Machine _admin command functions which are described in the Tamino XML Server documentation under the headings:
Tamino Server;X-Machine Programming; Requests using X-Machine Commands; _admin. These functions include:

  • ino:CancelMassLoad
  • ino:ChangeUserPassword
  • ino:DisplayIndex
  • ino:RecreateIndex
  • ino:RecreateTextIndex
  • ino:RepairIndex

To define and undefine schemas you can use the TSchemaDefinition3Accessor interface.

Hope this helps.