I need a few information around webMethods SWIFT module.
Is Business Process Model (PRT Module) a mandatory or optional component for implementing SWIFT module.
As I understand SWIFT module component SWIFTNet requires SAA & SNL software module by SWIFT. Please share some more information on these two software modules (SAA & SNL).
If anyone can share his/er experiences on SWIFT module implementation, it would be a great help!
Went through the product documentation, the info I need is not coming out clearly. Especially about BPM usage.
Documentation shows BPM as part of SWIFT Module. But the question remains, is it a mandatory or optional component.
Example: In RosettaNet e-Standard implementation, BPM is a mandatory component which helps in orchestration of message flows. The BPM template for RN comes out of the box.
Similarly do we have BPMs for SWIFT???