Stored Procedure OUT parameter result getting truncated

Hi All,
I am trying to execute a SP in webMethods and one of the OUT parameter(of type varchar(max)) retrieves XML. But the XML is truncated when the result comes in webMethods. While i get a full XML when i run the SP from Management Studio. The size of the XML is 4KB, which should be fine, then why is my result getting chopped? in webMethods SP, i have defined the Param JDBC type as VARCHAR and i even tried LONGVARCHAR, NVARCHAR,LONGNVARCHAR, but nothing seems to work. Any clues? I am missing any designer patches?

I am using 9.9 Designer, IS version is 9.6; Core Fix 10,JDBC 6.5 Fix 48

Hi Anu,

Are you talking about the content being chopped in the result tab of the designer? or in the variables tab of debug perspective?

Syed Faraz Ahmed

Syed Faraz Ahmed

The content being chopped in the result tab of the designer. Though the SP gives full content/output back when executed in studio, the entire content does not show up in webMethods.

That’s Strange.

In Variable Tab of debug perspective we have any option to limit the result characters what we see.

So, if you are passing the result of your SP to any other service is it being truncated? I hope not?

Syed Faraz Ahmed