Hello - I am trying to establish oneway SSL with our partners during which I am facing some issues and request any suggestions and helpful points from the community.
I am using the Java KeyStore explorer 5.0 tool to create the certificates and here is what I did so far:
- Created a new Keystore using Java Keystore explorer 5.0
- Generated a new keypair using PKCS12 of size 2048 bits.
- Generated the CSR PKCS10 and got it signed from the Certification Authorities.
- Extracted the Private key from the Key pair generated and tried to use the same in the …/ssl/privatekey/ path and while testing the outbound connectivity, it was giving invalid privatekey error.
- Tried to import the CA reply into the keypair but out of the 3 certificates received which certificates should we import and do I need to make any settings to make the CA reply trustable. (Currently it is giving an error message that can not trust CA reply)
Please let me know if I am missing any steps and/or configurations in the above process. Also, please share if anyone has any documentation on the step-by-step process for the same.