SQL with a filter works in SQL Developer, But did not return anything in Aadpter Service

Hello all your WM Gurus, I have a simple issue needs your help!

Here is the SQL with one simple filter:

In SelectSQL adapter services, I have selected all fields in the select tab. When I run the adapter services, I typed the 245212 or ‘245212’ as the value for the parameter TXZZSAE042_1 and it returns nothing.

This is such a trivial issue but I just could not figure out why it is not working in wm. Thank you for your help!

Hi Franky,

can you provide some screenshots of the tabs of the adapter service in Designer, please?

You might want to take a look at the JDBC Adapter Users Guide on how the SelectSQL template works.


It should work in webMethods as well .

Please check your adapter service make sure input parameter is mapped to correct DB field .