Yesterday I had to shut down the VM Server on which I’m working for updates. Today when I want to start My webMethods Server 9.5 and Integration Server 9.5 it fails.
For the MWS a command prompt window opens but after a while closes again, which wasn’t the case before. The IS service command prompt keeps trying to lay a connection but fails.
My VM is a Windows 2008 Server, the Broker services have started as you can see in the image below:
And I have tried starting one of the Oracle services that’s set to automatic but hasn’t started. Here I get an error message about seeing a certain log but I haven’t been able to locate this (yet). Plus I’m not even sure this is the right service (I’m still learning to use this software, I’m just an intern so I apologize for my ignorance).
In the hosts file unders System32\drivers localhost was set to a static IP address while the server has DHCP enabled. That’s why it couldn’t connect to the Oracle DB or Broker Server.
Thanks anyway for anyone who replied and if this solution isn’t clear please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.