SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Runtime.XException: 00030067:

I am trying to call a Natural Subprogram named BRKN3339 from ASP.NET
Web application. I was able to create .NET Client Assembly as per documentation. But when I call the program. I get the following exception

SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Runtime.XException: 00030067: Partner timeout occured

My Program is something like this

using SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Runtime;
using SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Generated.brkn3339;

Broker broker = new Broker(“XXX.XXX:4000”);
Service srvc = new Service(broker,“XXX/XXXX/XXXXX”,"MOSAICSD ");
MOSAICSD bclient = new MOSAICSD(srvc);

// Invoke the program

bclient.BRKN3339(‘List of parameters go here seperated by comma’);

At this point I get the Partnet timeout exception.

Any suggestion to resolve will be helpful


Partner timeout suggests that your server is having problems. Are there any messages in the Natural RPC Server log?

I over came “Partner Timeout problem” just by removing all functionalities from Natural program. Now the Natural program I call does nothing. Just accepts few parameters and does nothing. We are doing just to make sure that RPC calls are going throuh. The error now I get goes something like this

Error on ASP.NET Client

10146979: NATURAL RPC Server Error 6979 occurred. Lib=MOSAICSD,Pgm=BRKN3339

SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Runtime.Service.Send(MethodInfo methodInfo, Object objArray) +581

[XException: 10146979: NATURAL RPC Server Error 6979 occurred. Lib=MOSAICSD,Pgm=BRKN3339.]
SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Runtime.Service.Send(MethodInfo methodInfo, Object objArray) +661
SoftwareAG.EntireX.NETWrapper.Generated.brkn3339.MOSAICSD.BRKN3339(…list of parameters…)

When contacted The RPC Server Admin says
that it may be because of the following

MOSP9999 0140 NAT0082 Invalid command, or Global MOSG0000 does not exist in library


Looks like you are trying to execute a Natural program which registers as a service with Broker. You shouldn’t be doing this from an RPC call

I cannot make head and tail out of it. Appreciate your help in resolving it


a NAT6979 says " Do not use STOP, FETCH, RUN, TERMINATE in a remotely executed CALLNAT."

You are probably having nested errors that are keeping you from seeing the original error in your application subprogram (BRKN3339). At a guess, you have an “ON ERROR” in the program or the library (MOSAICSD - program MOSP9999?) that is also having an error and attempting to STOP, FETCH or TERMINATE as a result.

In sum: you still have an application problem on your Natural application server side. If you have code shared between server and regular applications, you can check if you are being called by a server by checking *SERVER-TYPE