Software AG License for lower environment

Currently in my organization, there are two environments UAT(user acceptance testing) and prod. Recently, users faced issues with out UAT server because of some package loading issues and performance issues. We are considering to have another server called dev. In this server all new dev will be performed keeping UAT clean enough. Now that already two licenses are allotted to us, will SOFTWARE AG allow us to have another environment or we will need separate license?

License is limited to per core. the same license can be used, but depends on how many active instance you have which will add up the core counts. Asset management team in your organization should have the license details.

Where exactly need to look how many active instances we have?

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Could you please let me know know if we can have 4 environment?

You need to take this up with your IBM account manager.

It is incorrect to assume that licensing is always per core. That is only one of several options.

As to the environment setup: Having only UAT and PROD is really wrong. What you effectively have is DEV and PROD. It is a recipe for disaster and must be avoided by all means. So yes, great initiative and a step into the right direction! :grinning:


The quantity is how many CPU cores that the wM components have access to.

For your production environment, my guess is that you’re at the limit of your license with just one machine.

For the non-production environment, likely something similar.

For a given machine, you’re allowed to run as many instances as you want. As long all the instances have access to a max of 4 cores, however they are distributed and controlled, you’re good.

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