SOAP WSDL invoke probleme


I want to invoke a web service (WSDL) using a web service connector, but whenever it displays this error: :frowning:
[HTML]Could not run ‘executeDecisionService’.
“ Operation timed out: connect: could be due to invalid address”
Help me


Looks l ike the soap endpoint URL you are using is either incorrect or is not reachable from your IS.

What does “” mean to you?

I understood the problem: I made webmethod under virtualPC, and the extent of security VirtualPC blocks connection attempting to log soket

Thank you Mac

Hi wM experts,

I am also facing same error “ Connection reset”.

We have consumer webservice and trying to call webservice in windows 2008 server from wm 9.5. We are getting 95% success but 5% request are failing with “ Connection reset”

FYI: We have same webservice in windows 2003 server where we are getting 100% success, no connection reset error.
