Soap Message Coder warning; unregistered coder for variable criteria, using String

When I create any partner profile in MWS, profile is created but I noticed below message in IS Server Log,

Soap Message Coder warning; unregistered coder for variable criteria, using String

Is it something to be worried or it is normal?


No worries…about this warning!

What does it mean? Why Unregistered?

The same warning.
Any idea what could happen?

No worries, it just a warning not an error. It mean that coder is unable to recognize the data type of the variable and hence treats it as a string.

To disable this info, do below

Navigate to IS Admin Console(all IS that connects to MWS) > Settings > Logging > Edit Server Logger > Facility: Integration Server >> 0088 SOAP = Error

Restart all IS that connects to MWS.