simulate webservice provided by another application not on Webmethods


I tried tu simulate Webservice provided by another application
With wsdl i generate webservice on developper

in IS console i define url Aliases for simulate the endPoint of Original Webservice like this
Alias : soapzone/wsServer.php
URL Path : ip:9999/ws/folder.subfolder:webservice
Package : myPackage

And i run the request
And i have this error

Could not run XXXXX
Http Error: 404 - No such object: ip:9999/ws/folder.subfolder:webservice

What i need define in URL path for the URL Alias work with WSDL?


Did you bind your new alias with the consumer web service descriptor you created?

I have one alias for consumer in SEttings=>WebServices=>HTTP, where the target is IS, and is binding in the web service descriptor

And One URL Aliases for simulate the url off original Webservice, in Settings URL Aliases

I’m in webMethods 8.0

Any one can help me to do a mock?

Are you trying to test your WS from developer?

I trie to do a mock from developper based on a wsdl provided by another application
With this WSDL i do a consummer and provider in Developper

If you have the WSDL then you can have developer auto generated the stub provider service. At that point it should be callable, but not return a result because you haven’t actually implemented anything. Mock the response inside of the provider service and you should be able to call it from SoapUI at that point to just test out connectivity and the response.

You can then use the WSDL that is auto generated by the webMethods IS servicer provider to create a consumer of the service for testing.

Yes try use SoapUI tool for testing/stimulation WS as Mark mentioned above.

I can’t do this because the URI is not the same after i regenerate the WSDL for build the consummer (i need to use the orignal wsdl for generate my consummer).
And if i want call the original webservice they don’t work

The orignal uri is :
The uri of provider on developper

and now with the allias the consummer call
and not

my reply before your post


I think you can do as griffima suggested. When you use your consumer of your WS-mock, use the “_url”-field to override the url when you need to switch to the actual WS.

At the place I am at we always provide url in the “_url”-field consumer invoke-step to easily be able to switch between development, test and production environments. Same thing works for mocks.


Having /ws/is the correct notation and /soap/ is the default in pre 8.x versions.

the probleme is not soap or ws, is after

The other application use soap in URI but no link with WM

I trie a solution like this, but in my case i have allias for connection, and if you enter _url you must delete this before going in production, and during test if you want test mock or externe application you need delete to.

now i build a flow service with properties for activate url with no code but only a properties

May be I have overlooked the problem…It sounds you are in the right direction now:)

Now i have problem with target namspace.

I need the other application up and configured properly.
If not configured properly they have a connection refused with the original consummer.

If i generate a consummer with WSDL of my provider they work, but i don’t want regenerate every time a consummer.

It’s possible to do an allias for targetNamespace like port alias in WM? (for my original consummer)