I have installed a webMethods in my machine and was able to start and stop it.
But when I try to execute the new java service created, I am getting the following error:
com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ISS.0026.9102] Service ‘flow:Test_java’ is not operational. To run this service, first recompile the Java source.
Also I see the below error in the server logs:
2007-11-05 19:11:53 IST [ISS.0028.0048E] Failed to read class flow from input stream
Please let me know if there is any setting missing while installing the software.
Your help appreciated.
I am getting the error while compiling the service.
And by the way compiling the java service means saving it …Am I right?
Or is there any other way to compile the java service in wM?
com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ISS.0026.9102] Service ‘flow:Test_java’ is not operational. To run this service, first recompile the Java source.
The error says that JAVA_PATH is not set.
In server.bat check whether the path set is there or not in your machine, otherwise give that path in JAVA_DIR