Server Event function

I am working with the examples in the Natural 5 library SYSEXSXS. When will the extension sxsevent be invoked? Where is it specified in the supplied schema?

Hi Priscilla,

I don’t know the Natural example, but X-Tension event functions are generally called when a server event (commit, rollback, session end, etc.) occurs.

Each extension object (package) can contain only one event function, so this function has to decide which event requested the call to react accordingly.

Event functions don’t occur in any schema - they can be called as soon as the server extension is installed in Tamino.

More information can be found in the Tamino documentation (Tamino Server Extensions/Tamino Server Extension Functions/Server Event Functions).

Best regards,

Julius Geppert
Quality Engineer Tamino

You will find the schema for the sample in the ‘res’ directory, i.e. “x:\Program Files\Software AG\Natural\5.1.1\fnat\SYSEXSXS\Res” and it is called employeesxsschema.tsd. If you look at node “Income” you will see that it has tsd:xTension element for defining which server extensions to be called for the process, compose and delete events.