I have a flow service which sends notification when order recieved. I want multiple variables in the body of email. For one variable, its working fine. So, how can I pass multiple variables in the body of email.
I am using the format as below but its showing this same string in output rather than its values which I passed and mapped.
Our Order Number : GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/@supplierOrderID%
Customer Order Number: %
Status Changed Date: %GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/Status/@statusChangedDate%
I am using the same thing. It works fine with any number of variables. Please check if the variables to do exist in the pipeline, at runtime. Put a savetopipeline and check if all the variables exists in the pipeline. Also make sure to copy the variable names, directly from the flow, instead of typing it.
its simple,make sure you are starting and ending with “%” for example in the stmp service has (body Parameter) make set Value modifier (a window pops up) and paste the below strings:
Our Order Number : %GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/@supplierOrderID%
Customer Order Number: %
Status Changed Date: %GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/Status/@statusChangedDate%
and after pasting before closing the window (Check the variable substitution check box also)…
This will show up the corresponding values in the pipeline.