Sending Multiple Variables in email

I have a flow service which sends notification when order recieved. I want multiple variables in the body of email. For one variable, its working fine. So, how can I pass multiple variables in the body of email.
I am using the format as below but its showing this same string in output rather than its values which I passed and mapped.

Our Order Number : GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/@supplierOrderID%

Customer Order Number: %

Status Changed Date: %GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/Status/@statusChangedDate%


Hello Nasir,

I am using the same thing. It works fine with any number of variables. Please check if the variables to do exist in the pipeline, at runtime. Put a savetopipeline and check if all the variables exists in the pipeline. Also make sure to copy the variable names, directly from the flow, instead of typing it.

  • Rajesh Rao

its simple,make sure you are starting and ending with “%” for example in the stmp service has (body Parameter) make set Value modifier (a window pops up) and paste the below strings:

Our Order Number : %GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/@supplierOrderID%

Customer Order Number: %

Status Changed Date: %GenericStatusOut_BOOKED/StatusOut/Message/MessageResponse/MessageResponseHeader/Status/@statusChangedDate%

and after pasting before closing the window (Check the variable substitution check box also)…

This will show up the corresponding values in the pipeline.