I have logged certain pipeline fields in Modeler. In Portal, how can i search for a value of one logged fields?
The field being logged is the transactions global ID (global across several systems including WM).
I have logged certain pipeline fields in Modeler. In Portal, how can i search for a value of one logged fields?
The field being logged is the transactions global ID (global across several systems including WM).
Valid for My webMethods 6.5.2:
Go to the advance tab and select the process instance you want to search within. When selected, there is a new area called Filter reloaded, where you can define an expression for your logged variables within the process.
I do not think theres a way to search all processes at the same time using the GUI.
Hi All,
I have install the manager server 6.5 and My web methods in diffrent directory.
I am able to view the mywebmethods admin page.
but inside the mywebmethods admin page in systemconfiration/system information the status of controller,datahandler,my webMethods is comming Unavailabe. and also in satellite it showing error.
POP.012.9000.wm_bam_satellite] JAX-RPC ServiceException caught: com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.WSClientException: Failed to bind to endPoint: [url]http://ctp-vi0490:12503/services/satellite.wsdl[/url] and interface: interface com.webMethods.bpo.service.satellite.ISatelliteServ[B]ice: could not bind to path: [URL=“http://ctp-vi0490:12503/services/satellite.wsdl”]http://ctp-vi0490:12503/services/satellite.wsdl[/URL][/b]
can u pls let me know wheater i have do any configration in my webMethods ?.
Also when i start the controller after some times it goes down automatically.And in controller it give error.Table or view does not exit.
thx in advance