When trying to start Modeler repository …It errors out like “2003/6/12 16:2:59.765 Repository Server initialization failed: Exception: get Re
pository remote object failed, com.wm.app.repov3.RepositoryException:registerWit
hCluster exception: com.wm.app.repov3.RepositoryException:[MERANT][SequeLink JDB
C Driver][Oracle]ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory”
Trying to configure the modeler repository to oracle Database. Installed SequeLink Server on the database. when trying to start the repository I get the above error. I have given the correct URL for database…
Any ideas appreciated…
Thank you
Just wanted to know whether you were able to connect to your Modeler using Oracle database for Repository. I’m having the same problem.
I get this error, when configuring Modeler to use external database. What driver should you use, sl53_cj31.jar or sl52_cj21.jar? And what should the url look like? Like the example in the repository3.cnf file? What version of sequelink should I use if using Oracle 8.1? Where should the sequelink driver reside?
2004/4/28 14:10:22.515 [DEBUG9]-initRemoteRepositoryServer(): entered–> remote Repo engine ref=com.wm.app.repov3.remote.RemoteRepoEngineImpl@4901
2004/4/28 14:10:22.535 [DEBUG9]-registerWithCluster(): entered–>
2004/4/28 14:10:22.535 [DEBUG9]-negoiatePrimaryServer(): entered–> list of servers={MemData:servercount=0}
2004/4/28 14:10:22.535 [DEBUG9]-negoiatePrimaryServer(): exit–> no primary server found
2004/4/28 14:10:22.545 Repository Server waiting for client connection requests…
2004/4/28 14:10:22.575 [DEBUG8]-registerWithCluster(): exception–> com.wm.app.repov3.RepositoryException:com.merant.sequelink.jdbc.SequeLink
2004/4/28 14:10:22.575 [DEBUG8]-initRemoteRepositoryServer(): exception–> com.wm.app.repov3.RepositoryException:registerWithCluster exception: com.wm.app.repov3.RepositoryException:com.merant.sequelink.jdbc.SequeLink
2004/4/28 14:10:22.575 Repository Server initialization failed: Exception: get Repository remote object failed, com.wm.app.repov3.RepositoryException:registerWithCluster exception: com.wm.app.repov3.RepositoryException:com.merant.sequelink.jdbc.SequeLink