AEREPO-100002 Can not start repository server

Hi All,

I am working on Solaris10 server.
I tried to start the repository server. But i am getting the error
AEREPO-100002 Can not start repository server : error creating instance management network session tcp:7700: Native implementation required

Following some of expert suggestions, even i tried starting the same by renaming the tcp port address, but in vain.

I have attached a segment of the log along with…

[SIZE=2]Logging to files starting with RepositoryServer.jauaAribaTibcoUAT.log in the directory logs/tibco
2007 Dec 15 16:46:30:006 IST Repository.jauaAribaTibcoUAT Info [Configuration] AEREPO-300005 Repository server "jauaAribaTibcoUAT" is starting
2007 Dec 15 16:46:30:008 IST Repository.jauaAribaTibcoUAT Info [Configuration] AEREPO-300006 Repository server starting time 12/15/07 4:46 PM India Standard Time
2007 Dec 15 16:46:30:010 IST Repository.jauaAribaTibcoUAT Info [Configuration] AEREPO-300007 Repository server "ISO8859-1" is used for character encoding
2007 Dec 15 16:46:30:012 IST Repository.jauaAribaTibcoUAT Info [Configuration] AEREPO-300008 Repository server using 1 threads
2007 Dec 15 16:46:30:021 IST Repository.jauaAribaTibcoUAT Info [Configuration] AEREPO-300009 Repository server using TIBCO Rendezvous Java package version 7.2.7
2007 Dec 15 16:46:30:022 IST Repository.jauaAribaTibcoUAT Info [Configuration] AEREPO-300016 HAWK Implant disabled
2007 Dec 15 16:46:30:073 IST Repository.jauaAribaTibcoUAT Error [System] AEREPO-100002 Can not start repository server : error creating instance management network session tcp:7700: Native implementation required
Ping Repository Server... 
Exception in thread "main" com.tibco.infra.repository.OperationFailedException: error creating discoverer network session
Native implementation required
at com.tibco.infra.repository.RemoteDiscoverer.<init>(
at com.tibco.infra.repository.RepoFactory.maybeCreateRemoteDiscoverer(
at com.tibco.infra.repository.RepoFactory.updateRemoteInstanceInfo(
at com.tibco.infra.repository.RepoFactory.getKnownInstances(
at com.tibco.infra.repository.importexport.ListInstances.main(
ERROR: die: Problem running /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/3rdParty/jre/Solaris/1.3.1/bin/java -ms8M -mx64M -cp classes/tibco/ com.tibco.infra.repository.importexport.ListInstances dummyParam -url tibcr://server=jauaAribaTibcoUAT:subject=com.tibco.repo.instance_discovery.request:service=AribaTibcoUAT:daemon=tcp:7700 > ./logs/tibco/listRepo.out
sub: Ariba::Util::_system
arg: 1
arg: ['/apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/3rdParty/jre/Solaris/1.3.1/bin/java -ms8M -mx64M -cp classes/tibco/ com.tibco.infra.repository.importexport.ListInstances dummyParam -url tibcr://server=jauaAribaTibcoUAT:subject=com.tibco.repo.instance_discovery.request:service=AribaTibcoUAT:daemon=tcp:7700 > ./logs/tibco/listRepo.out']
arg: []
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/lib/perl/Ariba/
sub: Ariba::Util::safeSystem
arg: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/3rdParty/jre/Solaris/1.3.1/bin/java -ms8M -mx64M -cp classes/tibco/ com.tibco.infra.repository.importexport.ListInstances dummyParam -url tibcr://server=jauaAribaTibcoUAT:subject=com.tibco.repo.instance_discovery.request:service=AribaTibcoUAT:daemon=tcp:7700 > ./logs/tibco/listRepo.out
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/lib/perl/Ariba/
sub: main::pingRepoServerTilReady
arg: Default
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/bin/
sub: main::startreposerver
arg: Default
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/bin/
sub: main::startreposerver
arg: undef
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/bin/
sub: main::main
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/bin/
ERROR: die: Problem running runperl -startreposerver
sub: Ariba::Util::_system
arg: 1
arg: ['runperl']
arg: ['','-startreposerver']
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/lib/perl/Ariba/
sub: Ariba::Util::safeSystem
arg: runperl
arg: -startreposerver
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/lib/perl/Ariba/
sub: Ariba::Tibco::startRepositoryServer
arg: undef
src: /apps/ariba/Buyer/Server/lib/perl/Ariba/
sub: main::emptyChannel
arg: /dev/tty
src: channels/tibco/
sub: main::main
src: channels/tibco/


Kindly help :slight_smile:

Are you doing this Ariba impl on Tibco HAWK or webMethods IS and its repo??

Can you tell your webM environment/version details aswell???


I am using Tibco HAWK for the Ariba implementation
Tibco 4.x
Ariba 8.2

Do any webMethods product play a role in this architecture? I’m afraid a webMethods user group may not be much help for a Tibco issue.


I am using Tibco to implement Ariba.
I am using two servers.
I have installed Ariba, Tibco and Webshpere on one server.
On the other server I have installed the Network Deployment Manager.

The error says:
AEREPO-100002 Can not start repository server : error creating instance management network session tcp:7900: Native implementation required

Do I need to move all the applications to a single server.


Is there any other way wherein we can link to the Network Deployment Manager on the other server

Sorry, can’t help you with Tibco and Websphere here. This is a webMehods user group. You might try Tibco support or their lightly populated user forums.