We have Centrasite 8.0 installation on Unix platform . When I try to login in both CS control and SMH i get the following error
Connection handler com.centrasite.control.login failed to establish connection.
Reason: Database access error. Can’t connect to server CentraSite.
Plug-in com.centrasite.control has been disabled.
On checking the process for difefrent components i found that process for tamino is not running.
On running the command /app/webmethods80csasoa/CentraSite/bin/inoadmin start CentraSite &
I am getting the error as :-
INODST1751: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
INODSI2271: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
INODSF1307: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
INODSF1436: (ARG0401) Cannot find language library (language resource not installed for product).
as stated in one of the posts i ran the command centrasite_setenv before running ino* command . But i continue to get the same error.
Hi Karan,
could it be by any chance that the filesystem on which the CentraSite installation resides, e.g. /opt/softwareag/CentraSite, is full or was full during installation or server start-up? If so, your REGFILE is most likely broken, could you check the dates and sizes of the REGFILE and REGFILEbck files please?
Hi Gerald
We have been receiving this error message from the time we did installation but everytime registry used to come up after some time .
I checked the sizes of files :-
REGFILE 303,104 B last modified on 24-09-2011
REGFILEbck 312,469 B last modified on 11-08-2011
How do i confirm whether REGFILE is broken from this ? We have already have some configurations and need a backup before upgrading the env from 8.0 to 8.2.
Hi Karan,
please try the following:
- go to the directory where the REGFILEs are and copy REGFILE to REGFILE_orig
- stop the CentraSite server, e.g. from SMH
- copy the REGFILEbck to REGFILE and start the server again
- you should be able to log in with the installation user, if in doubt, it is the first user after the internal users in the list you are getting when you issue the following browser command on this machine: http://localhost:53305/CentraSite/CentraSite/ino:security?_xql=ino:user
Hi Gerald
I followed the steps as suggested by you. Registry is still not coming up . I am getting the following message
$ /app/webmethods80csasoa/CentraSite/bin/inoadmin start CentraSite &
[1] 5386
$ INODST1751: Start of CentraSite server startup processing version 8.0 on Solar is 64Bit
INODSI2271: Start server’CentraSite’
I waited for 30 mins but this process is not getting completed.
Hi Karan,
whenever the CentraSite database is started, a file with the extension .txt is created in the CentraSite/data directory. On Unix, you could do a tail -f on that file to see what is going on. When you have a large database or migrate from a pervious CentraSite version, the startup can be rather long. Please have a look at this newly created file and post its content if in doubt or if you have questions.
Kind regards,