Pub.client:http keeps getting http status 503 when invoked from apigateway or restored (override) pipeline

Hi, can anyone help me with my problem.
I’m currently a new user in webMethods and right now i’m using Service Designer to create a new Flow Service.
The flow was simple, if the request doesn’t have a value in some field, it’ll generated from a response of API.


The Problem is when i’m run the flow service using an example which i’m inputed.
The response will be http status 200

but if i’m invoke that flow service using gateway or debug pipeline restore (override),
the response http status will be 503 (even when the service was up).

is there anything in the request from apigateway which make this pub.client:http error or not found the service?

I’m currently using version Enterprise

Thank you for your help

hi @ivan.aribanilia ,
I tried to replicate the scenario, But this works for me
Steps I followed
1.Created service in IS server
2. Created RAD for it
3. Configured the endpoints on API GW
4. Invoked the request from postman client
5. Got 200 OK response

Changes Done

  1. use save pipeline in the flow service
  2. then restore from pipeline
  3. No other changes were made
  4. Invoked the request from postman client
  5. Got success response

Possible reasons for failure

  1. Some issue while fetching the data using public restore service which is causing 503 error

If it is possible please share the sample which you are trying i will try to verify from my end.

Vikash Sharma

Hi Ivan,

in addition to Vikash´s answer:
Please check the logs on the target server for any informations when status 503 is returned in comparison to when status 200 is returned.


Sorry for late response,
i’m currently using pub.client.http in policy Identified & Access, the only problem is, when it invoked in this policy, it will returned 503, but when i’m invoke this in Request Processing or Response Processing, everything works fine.

@ivan.aribanilia 503 is possible only in the case if API Gateway unable to process your request . if the service in restore and its having the restore file save it will give you the pipeline value else [ISS.0086.9310] Could not restore pipeline.

so kindly verify if there server log if it is due to any other reason .

I am enable to execute the public service from Identified & Access policy without any issue

thank you for your response,
i already found the problem, maybe it’s a bugs if using Specification Reference : RequestSpec,
so i make a custom input / output for my flow, and when pub.client.http called it’s not 503 anymore.