We are attempting to switch our MWS 7.1.2 install from using Oracle back end Databases to MS-SQL back end databases and we are receiving an error when MWS starts up after setting up SQL the error is as follows:
2010-06-11 14:10:08 EDT (eventService : WARN) - Failed to publish event com.webMethods.portal.event.system.impl.LogMessageEvent to queue com.webMethods.portal.system.error.queue JMSException: [wm-cjdbc36-0039][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘EVENT_ID’, table ‘MWS71D.dbo.T_JMS_EVENTS’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails., LinkedException: null
javax.jms.JMSException: [wm-cjdbc36-0039][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘EVENT_ID’, table ‘REMOVEDDBNAME.dbo.T_JMS_EVENTS’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
We are running MWS 7.1.2 with CL_Fix11 and CL_Fix4 installed. Connecting to MS-SQL 2005. We used Microsoft’s migration assistant to migrate the databases.
Here is the mws.db.xml file configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> com.webmethods.portal.service.sql.core.BaseSqlWorker com.webmethods.portal.service.sql.core.provider.pool.PooledConnectionProvider com.wm.dd.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver jdbc:wm:sqlserver://REMOVEDSERVERNAME:REMOVEDPORT;databaseName=REMOVEDDBNAME MWS71D REMOVEDPASSWORD 100 false SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TBLTHING WHERE IDTHING = 1 2 300Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?