my xml document looks like: (collection=customer)
My code is as follows:
set tamino = Server.CreateObject"TAMINOX.TaminoX1")
tamino.csDatabaseURL = “http://localhost/tamino/play/customer”
tamino.StartSession InoUnprotected, InoLockWaitYes
tamino.Encoding = “ISO-8859-1”
queryStr = “demographic[last-name=”“Kelkar”“]”
set doc = tamino.DoQuery(queryStr)
set xqlresult = tamino.GetResult(doc)
set demographic = xqlresult.getElementsByTagName(“demographic”).item(0)
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“first-name”).item(0).text = “Mahesh”
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“last-name”).item(0).text = “Kelkar”
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“street”).item(0).text = “3200 John Burnes Way”
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“city”).item(0).text = “Herndon”
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“state”).item(0).text = “Mahesh”
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“zip”).item(0).text = “43000”
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“country”).item(0).text = “United States”
demographic.getElementsByTagName(“email”).item(0).text = “email”
tamino.Process demographic,“http://localhost/tamino/play/customer”
errorCode = tamino.GetErrorStatus(errorText)
When I run the code, I get a 8414 with errorText: INOXJE8414 Invalid content type.
1. What am I missing?
2. I tried to specify NULL as the second parameter to Process but always get a type mismatch. I do not really want to append anything to the db url !!!
I cannot figure out from the documentation and the example what the problem is. I can add new document to the demographic doctype.