Problem opening TN Console

Hi all,

While opening TN console i’m getting below error

“Error saving server list to file.” (Error Code: TRNCONS.000000.000110)
“Fatal Internal Error: Service ClassLoader will not initialize
Please contact webMethods Customer Service with this error”

Please help me out of this issue


Is this the first time you login to that TN and you are expericing? What is your TN version assuming 8.2.2?

OK Try this:

Copy the wm-mapi.jar file located in the /common/lib folder from the webMethods Integration Server setup to the TNConsole/lib folder on the standalone TN Console.

Or install the latest TN Console fix, it’s TNC_8.2_SP2_Fix3.


check if you have write privilege for dir: TNConsole\config
the error “Error saving server list to file” indicate you can’t save file under it.

Why using TNConsole still use the MWS UI