Problem in opening UDDI Registry session from Designer 7.2

I am new to CentraSite and am trying to open a UDDI session from Designer 7.2 - Service Development perspective - to CentraSite 8.0.3. I have used the following URLs:


And same user name and password as I use to open GUI session for CentraSite. I get the following error when I try to open session:

Error Opening UDDI Registry session

Problem in getting connected

Could someone please let me know how do I open a session and use it to publish services/documents to CentraSite?



This could happen if your CentraSite server is down. If it is just restart it again.
If it is not above case, then change the workspace while launching the designer and try to connect to the CentraSite with valid credentials thru Windows - Preference -CentraSite connections page.

Once you test the connections here, directly you can use for UDDI Registry browser.

I hope it helps.


I have CentraSite installed on a different server and IS (which has packages, services etc.) on another server. The version of IS is 7.1.2 while the version of CentraSite is 8.0.2. I am able to connect to IS through Designer 7.1.2 GUI but unable to invoke connection to CentraSite server (through Window - Preferences - UDDI Registries). I have used the same username/password as I use to connect to CentraSite server.