Problem generating an application using the GUI generator

X-Application Version: 3.1.2, 3.1.1
Tamino Version : 3.1.1
Platform : Win2k
WebContainer : Tomcat 3.2
JDK Version : 1.3.1_01

When I am generating an application using the GUI generator, I am getting the following error.

Can anybody please help?

Thank you

Error reading schema from Tamino: query failed: xs:schema[xs:annotation/xs:appinfo/tsd:schemaInfo/tsd:doctype/@name=‘SECTOR-INFORMATION’][xs:annotation/xs:appinfo/tsd:schemaInfo/tsd:collection/@name=‘sectorlatest23’]: com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.TQueryException
Response could not be built
NestedException:NestedException:Exception during updating transaction mode!
NestedException:Transaction mode cannot be updated. No appropiate transaction state obtained from Tamino!Local Transaction Mode.
Session State sessionId= 11 sessionKey=13444
NestedException: Response could not be built
NestedException:NestedException:Exception during updating transaction mode!
NestedException:Transaction mode cannot be updated. No appropiate transaction state obtained from Tamino!Local Transaction Mode.
Session State sessionId= 11 sessionKey=13444…aborted