primary keys and l foreign keys define

In schema design, we needn’t declare that an element is the schema’s primary key or foreign key? Or my should use rule to declare them?

I try to find some help to declare or define the primary key and foreign, but to my surprise , in "All that Jazz "document there is an example to define Schema Album: the productNO element is the Schema Album’s primary key ,but in Schema define, there is no declaration for the primary key .the productNo element define is like that:

 < xs:element name = "productNo" type = "xs:normalizedString">

album.tsd (1.69 KB)

Hello lisa,

we are currently in the process of releasing a Tamino Server Extension which will allow the definition and enforcement of unique constraints for a Tamino schema.

With this Server Extension you would be able to ensure that at least the values in your keys are unique.

I am sorry to tell you this though: the Server Extension requires Tamino 4.1 because it uses trigger functionality which is not present in Tamino 3.1 (so if you have to stay with 3.1 I’m afraid that this Server Extension will not be of any help to you).


thanks a lot.
i know that, and i will modify my schema to add the key constraints when i use the Tamino 4.1 server.
It’s very kind of you!


I’m looking for a way to enable and enforce unique ids in an element.
e.g would disallow inserting of another on the same level. The Tamino schema Editor docu says the unique is not supported.

Is that the only possible to use the xtensions and are they already available?
I’m using Tamino and XQuery.

Hello qwerty,

the aforementioned Server Extension is now available, and it will meet your requirements.

It can be downloaded from here:

I hope that helps,

Thanks for the quick reply.
Will this solution be available for HP-UX?
I noticed only this platforms were listed

4.1.1 Win 2000 Prof.,
Win 2000 Server,
Win 2000 Adv. Serv.,
Win XP Prof.

Hello qwerty,

the Server Extension is implemented in Java - so the “Windows download” should run just as well on HP-UX.

I haven’t tested this personally, but perhaps someone else has…
