I have a task portlet (screen shot attached). Besides some display fields the view also contains an applet.
I am trying to make the data (fields and applet) cover 100% of the user screen, but I have no luck so far. So far I have tried
Setting applet height to 100%
Setting the sub-group - container css:height to 100%
Setting the Form-JSF command form css:height to 100%
If I put the height of applet in pixel it works. But this is not the best solution as different users have different screen resolutions. I want the UI to cover 100% of all user screens irrespective of the resolution.
I think you would need to put your applet inside a block panel, set the applet height to 100% and then resize the block panel with a script when the window is loaded or resized.
For example, your script block value could be something like this:
function block_resize() {
var blockId = "#{caf:cid('blockPanel')}";
var block = $(blockId);
var blockTop = Position.absoluteOffset(block)[1];
var windowHeight = Position.windowDimensions().y;
var footerHeight = $("footer").offsetHeight;
var extraPadding = 10; //add extra padding to get rid of vertical scrollbar
var height = windowHeight - blockTop - footerHeight - extraPadding;
height: height + 'px'
Event.observe(window, "load", block_resize);
Event.observe(window, "resize", block_resize);