Please,Im trying to run this example01.php but I keep getting this message.What could be the problem?The msg is Fatal error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function domxml_open_mem() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\TaminoAPI.php on line 884
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The current PHP Tamino API is based on the DOM XML extension of PHP4. This extension is not available in PHP5 by default, so it might be quite complicated to get that version running with PHP5.
A newer version of the API has been developed specially for PHP5 which also takes advantage of the new PHP5 object model, the exceptions, and the new XML functionalities. This version is planned to be part of the next major Tamino release, but if there is a demand for it, we can put it as example code into the download area of the Tamino Community.
Heiko Weber
Thanks Heiko
Arsenal are the best!
I also noticed there are so many ways to go about the DOM XML thing…I followed this method using PHP4 but still get errors
1) download the PHP-Win32 binary installation from www.php.net
2) download the PHP-Win32 ZIP package that contains all dll’s , extensions, APIs and stuff from www.php.net
3) Install PHP binary to c:\PHP
4) unzip the ZIP package to c:\PHP (you should see more subdirectories now)
4a) add the following lines to your Apache httpd.conf file:
LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
The c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll was contained in the PHP Win32 ZIP file that you extracted in step 2
5) open php.ini in C:\WINDOWS
6) in php.ini locate the extension path and change the line extension_dir = “./” to
extension_dir = “C:\PHP\extensions”
7) in php.ini locate the line ;extension=php_domxml.dll and remove the ; sign
8) copy iconv.dll from c:\php\dlls to c:\windows\system32
9) download domxml.zip from http://www.firepages.com.au/public/domxml.zip
10) copy the libxml2.dll from domxml.zip to c:\windows\system32
11) The php_domxml.dll should already exist in your c:\php\extensions directory (was also contained in PHP Win-32 ZIP file in step 2)
12) stop and restart your Apache / IIS
Why is it neccesary to install PHP twice?Usin the installer and the ZIP package?
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There is no need to install PHP twice. The best way, in my opinion, is to get the ZIP file from the PHP download area, unzip it to your hard drive and then copy the php.ini into the Windows main directory - then edit the PATH variable so that all required DLLs can be found (this might require a reboot to take effect) or alternatively copy all required DLLs to your system32 directory and lastly edit the httpd.conf (for Apache), so that the PHP module is loaded. So far I had no problems with this approach under Windows.
Heiko Weber
Hi Heiko,
Im sure you must be fed up already!Sorry to bother you.Now I think its gettin better.But the error now is HTTP Error 404.Apache is running and the database server as well.what is the problem?
Arsenal are the best!
Is that the HTTP response you get when calling the PHP script, since it doesn’t find that file, or is that returned from the Tamino server as response code?
Can you access the Tamino Server using the Tamino Interactive Interface?
Heiko Weber
Yes,thats what I get when I call the PHP script example01.php.
Now I cant access the tamino server using TII.I think I should see in the apache conf some tamino lines but I had a problem and uninstalled apache after installing Tamino.I later installed a new apache. Maybe tamino is not communicating with it as theres nothing about tamino in the conf file of apache.
Could this be the problem?
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