Out of Disk Space

The server that our webMethods B2B server (version 4.02) is running on ran out of hard drive space (Bad server administration). At that time, the administrator didn’t notice that the server had no disk space, but did notice that java.exe was using 99% of CPU capacity so he/she shut java.exe down. This caused the B2B server to shut down and it will not start back up. (It get through all the server.bat things and then shuts itself down).

I know something got corrupted, but don’t know what.

From the server log:

000000 ----------- 2002-05-31 13:26:37:0734
000001 [B2BCORE.0072.0002] setupTemplateCache size:113 period:3000
000002 [B2BSERV.0025.0001] B2B Server 4.0.2 Build 795
000003 [B2BSERV.0025.0006] License Manager started
000004 [B2BSERV.0025.0008] State Manager started
000005 [B2BSERV.0025.0010] Service Manager started
000006 [B2BSERV.0016.9999] isPersistent=false
000007 [B2BSERV.0025.0012] Cache Manager started
000008 [B2BSERV.0025.0009] WIDL Service Manager started
000009 [B2BSERV.0025.0004] Flow Service Manager started
00000A [B2BSERV.0025.0002] Package Manager started
00000B [B2BSERV.0025.0011] Package Replicator Manager started

crank the debug level up, so you can tell more definitively where it is failing.

Load the server using the console using the paramters:

local -debug 7 -log none

This will spit out a lot of info.