Can some one help me to identify what’s wrong with my Optimizer which we have been using from past several years on WM 9.7 and OS Window but few days back it was restarted/bounce automatically or manual interaction which we are currently trying to identify what cause optimizer server get’s restarted.
Was it due to manual action or due to some components failure.
Pls guide me what all corrective action is required to ignore such type of failure in future and kindly past logs statement which you feel, i need to do through analysis
After gathering all reqd info will reach out to SAG support but while mean i want to collect error/fatal exception or pointers
Attached optimizer and wrapper logs for your reference.
Let me know if you reqd further information
there are some errors like this in your log:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2015/12/11 07:33:46 | (OPTIMIZE) [Analytic Engine v9.7.0.0.ConfigMigrator.configFileLoadPropertyError] 2015-12-11 07:33:46.586 CST WARN: Could not set property EngineStartupSettlingPeriod in configuration file ProcessTracking.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2015/12/11 07:33:46 | (OPTIMIZE) [Analytic Engine v9.7.0.0.ConfigMigrator.configFileLoadPropertyError] 2015-12-11 07:33:46.586 CST WARN: wraps: java.lang.RuntimeException: No matching property found for method: getEngineStartupSettlingPeriod
pls check your optimize\analysis\conf dir to see if the config files are not corrupted, especially: ProcessTracking.xml