only limited conditional operation displayed in the BR table & unable to export to local default


We are using wM9.10 version.
In Decision tree table, I could see only these operators (‘=’ , ‘!=’) and ‘not seeing’, <, >, >=, <=

Is there any mistake while creation? or is there any bug in this wM version? how to rectify this?
Also, I couldn’t export to the local IS server, attached the screen shot for reference. Please guide me on this issue. Thanks.


Hi Harikumar,

The missing <, >, >=, <= operators are only applicable for numeric data types. Most likely, your “CustomerRating” column is of data type String, which only allows for = and != operators.

For Exporting, are you connected to the IS Server you want to export to? When you select an IS, you should be prompted to connect, if you are not already.

I hope this helps,